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发布时间:2022-10-08 14:25:09


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国际级发展规划会日文中心思想主题演讲1xbet体育 稿件全文

Abstract : Digital transformation is a profound change and a "cross-generational" enhancement of traditional business value for the home decoration industry, says Chen Hui, chairman of Dong Yi Rising-Sun Home Decoration Group Co., Ltd. (002713.SZ).


Chen Hui, chairman of Dong Yi Rising-Sun Home Decoration Group Co., Ltd., attends online the NEXT Summit (Bali 2022) kicking off on September 29 in Bali, Indonesia, and delivers a speech.

BEIJING, Sept. 30 (Xinhua) -- Digital transformation is a profound change and a "cross-generational" enhancement of traditional business value for the home decoration industry, says Chen Hui, chairman of Dong Yi Rising-Sun Home Decoration Group Co., Ltd. (002713.SZ).

Chen made the remark at the sub-forum on digital economy and industrial digital transformation of the NEXT Summit (Bali 2022) kicking off on Thursday in Indonesia's resort island of Bali.

He took Dong Yi Rising-Sun Home Decoration Group Co., Ltd. as an example and explained in detail how digital transformation solves the pain points of the home decoration industry and leads its quality and efficiency improvement.

Digitization has solved the standardization problem of home decoration design, noted Chen, adding that with the help of digital technology, the home decoration design of the company has moved from 2D to 3D, creating standardized design schemes by binding a large amount of information involving process, methods and supply chains, etc. to digital models, which lays a foundation for good interactions.

"In the past, making a design required repeated communications, modifications and quotations from floor plans to renderings, which was time-consuming and costly in communication. With digitization, companies can sign contracts with customers after only two or three meetings, greatly saving time for both parties, and enterprises can devote more time and energy to improving service quality," said Chen.

According to him, to satisfy personalized decoration needs of customers, the company utilizes VR technology to realize roaming of customers in a virtual room at any angle and at any pace and real-time quotation according to choices of customers, and the decoration scheme can be basically determined after the roaming.

Speaking of the future development of thehome decoration industry, Chen Hui believes that the industry has entered the stage of digital and intelligent development, and in the future, the industry will be further integrated with artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies to create more convenient and intelligent consumption experience for people.

It's learned that Dong Yi Rising-Sun Home Decoration Group Co., Ltd. was founded in 1997, and is the first A-share listed home decoration brand in the industry in China. It has been listed as one of China's top 500 most valuable brands for many consecutive years, with a brand value up to 32.128 billion yuan.

The NEXT Summit (Bali 2022) was co-hosted by the NEXT Federation, China Economic Information Service of Xinhua News Agency as well as the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) of Indonesia. 

Themed on "Global Change and Rebuilding Collaboration", it attracted officials, scholars and entrepreneurs from more than ten countries and regions to share ideas on development of key industries and international cooperation.

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今天,由国家性瞻望聯合会、中华划算新信息社和印尼的尼西亚的国家科研与创新发展署聯合承办的国家性瞻望博览会(巴厘岛2022)以网上应以、实体辅助的模式在印尼的尼西亚进行。1xbet体育 日盛投资控股公司董事会长陈辉网上应邀参加了“小数划算与第三产业小数化发展”分官网潜在言。


1xbet体育 日盛集团网站董监事长陈辉线上销售叁加国.际构想交流会消息队列言

陈辉在表态发言中提出,罗马数字1化发展相对 公装领域就是场感触颇深关键转型,是对传统式工作币值的“跨代式”加快。陈辉东北侧易日盛实例,简要详解了罗马数字1化关键转型是怎样的防止公装领域关注点,正确引领领域提质增强药效。

“数字化解决了家装设计的标准化问题。”陈辉指出,过去家装行业在设计中存在“量房量不准、画图画不全、列项列不对、算量误差大”等问题。如今,在数字化技术的加持下,1xbet体育 日盛的家装设计从二维走向三维,通过将工艺、工法、节点、供应链等大量信息与数字化模型绑定,搭建出标准化的设计方案,这为良好的交互打下了基础。

除的设计部分外,1xbet体育 日盛还构建了从营销策略到制造业单位研发、当场作业、生鲜配送装配等全部分、全环节的罗马数字化工作管理二次创业,使制造业单位工作管理进十步趋势精密化、交互式,一同在很大程度上提高了了制造业单位效果。


阶段,越发越个性时尚化的装修风格设计生活消费所需也给家庭装修风格装修风格市面获得了的挑战,应对市面新生活消费所需,1xbet体育 日盛的“数装传统模式”(立于罗马网络化享受的家庭装修风格装修风格)为大家出具了优秀的家庭装修风格装修风格享受。陈辉解绍,不同的家庭装修风格装修风格生活消费,大家需你走以后动工就能了解到装修风格设计的效用,而1xbet体育 日盛的真家裸眼VR云台,可供用户的在虚拟网络屋子里内使用中任何维度、中任何感觉的数据慢游,并依据大家选择的影响使用时实市场价,数据慢游已完成计划书最基本选定,正式达到了“到店万几分钟,预见性十年后的中国家”。


据简绍,1xbet体育 日盛揭牌于19910年,是我国的在业内首个股票开卖的1xbet体育 装修企业,重复二十多年以来上榜“我国的最具的市场价值企业500强”top100,企业的市场价值独角兽高达321.28上亿元。二十多年以来来,1xbet体育 日盛一直领引中国1xbet体育 装修制造行业小数5化变革,次序营造了小数5化持续推进制作机系统化DIM+、星耀推广APP、星耀买家APP、星耀项目APP、星耀SaaS、真家4D云制作、天眼机系统化等一流技术工艺技术运用。


另行通知座谈会以“大企业变革与再重构”相结合题,基中国有、印度是尼西亚、新西兰、新西兰、刚加坡、韩式、英国媒体、芬兰、印度、伊拉克、吉尔吉斯斯坦、格鲁吉亚、新加坡等十多亩成长 中国家和东南部的香港全国政要、专家教授历史学家、商业界首领,以遭受高新家产行业收录演讲视频和分享一下案列,回顾突出高新家产的研究新动态,研究香港全国合作项目的成长 方向盘。

上一篇: 1xbet体育 日盛董事长陈辉:“1xbet体育 日盛数字化家装已跨上了快速发展的轨道!” 下一篇: 1xbet体育 高球耀日盛,挥杆同行再远征|1xbet体育 日盛&奥田杯——“1xbet体育 100高尔夫俱乐部与北京装饰行业联队联谊赛”成功举办!
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